Squanto and Pocahontas


My name is A.J., and I hate school. Do you know what the only good part of school is? The end of it, at three o'clock, when we get to go home! But at the end of school this one day in November, we weren’t allowed to go home at three. The school secretary, Mrs. Patty, made an announcement that everybody had to go to the all-purpose room. (That’s a room we use for all purposes, so it has the perfect name.) Bummer in the summer! So we were sitting there, bored out of our minds, when suddenly two American Indians came running down the aisle! They were wearing feathers and head-dresses. They jumped onto the stage, whooping and hollering. But they couldn’t fool us. We knew exactly who they were. “It’s Mrs. Roopy!” yelled my friend Michael, who never ties his shoes. Mrs. Roopy is our librarian. “And Mr. Klutz!” yelled my friend Ryan, who will eat anything, even stuff that isn’t food. Mr. Klutz is our principal, and he has no hair. “Klutz?” said Mr. Klutz. “Never heard of him. I am Squanto, a Patuxet Indian who helped the Pilgrims survive their first years in America.” “And I am Pocahontas,” said Mrs. Roopy. “I helped the English colonists when they arrived in Virginia in 1607.” Mrs. Roopy always dresses up like somebody else. She never admits she’s the librarian.

Mrs. Roopy is loopy. “Thanksgiving is coming up,” said Mr. Klutz. “To celebrate, we want to introduce you to a friend of ours.” They went behind the curtain, and you’ll never believe in a million hundred years who they brought out onstage with them. I’m not going to tell you. Okay, okay, I’ll tell you. But you have to read the next chapter. So nah-nah-nah boo boo on you.